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A Fully Immersive

Bespoke Coaching

Experience for

Powerful Connection,

Complete Clarity &

Total Confidence

Private 1:1 One-Day Intensive 

You've probably not read anything quite like this before, but I know you have big dreams and I see that longing in your heart to BE more; to embrace your true identity, discover your divine destiny and LIVE it...FULLY!


You dream of a business or a ministry that makes a real a difference; a life fuelled by a surrendered heart with a heavenly mandate, that reveals the fingerprints of God and leaves lasting footprints that will remain. You may be on the way or you may feel like it's never going to happen, but either way I promise you it's entirely possible for you to step up and into the fulness of all God has for you to be and do.


If you’ve been considering coaching and wondering about exactly what it is that I do, then let me share some thoughts and extend an invitation...


As women of God, we are deeply spiritual people and yet so often in our every day lives, the spiritual element gets put to one side and we continue with life as usual. 


Our spirituality was never intended to be put in a box and reserved for a particular time and place. It was never meant to be just one compartment of life. When life really starts to become the adventure it was meant to be is when we start to unleash that spirituality....that faith in God, that connection to His presence and power....and bring it into every corner and sphere of our lives. To allow it to infuse every moment....our work, our relationships, our businesses, our decisions....and be the very essence of all we are and all we do. To realise that it's not just a foundation that our lives are built on but that it's like life pulsating through our veins, connecting and fuelling and empowering us to be all we were born to be!


What I'm seeing is more and more women waking up to the presence and power of God in their lives. When that awakening takes place, we start to feel an increasing awareness of the fact that life is not all about's not about our comfort....or our convenience....but that we are called to something so much bigger than ourselves. That we're called to serve! We begin to feel a call to pursue our divine destiny and purpose. To question the reason we were put on this earth! 


As women of faith....every day we have this amazing invitation to partner with God.  Pause for a moment and take that in. We get to partner with our creator God in this awesome adventure that is bringing His plans and purposes to earth!


The question is, will you accept the invitation and show up....ready to live fully surrendered and fully on purpose? Will you commit...heart, soul and passionate pursuit of everything you were created to be and do?


Ready to take a giant leap? If you're serious, this is for you....


This one-day intensive is a truly unique experience where we start with your connection to the heart of God and then go deep and wide depending on you, where you're at, where you need to be and what you need to shift you from here to there.


It's full on, it's deep, it's intensely spiritual and immensely practical and it's SO worth it!


We explore together to reach a place of complete clarity in your thinking, deal with the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and with spiritual insight & powerful , practical strategies we unlock your potential and get you on track to live it. No two experiences are the same because this is unique to you and what you need to live your best life now. In whichever area of life, leadership or business you need help with....set your expectations high...because I'm believing for the greatness within you to be released as you partner with heaven towards a life of passionate purpose in total divine alignment with the heart of the Father and your true calling. I really believe that as you dedicate this time to be vulnerable and intentional all at once in this intensive journey of exploration...of asking, of listening, of revelation and strategy, you will begin to see real transformation and emerge with the courage and confidence you need to advance boldly in what it is you're here for.


At the heart of this experience is a powerful one to one day at one of several beautiful locations in the UK. A space specially selected to provide an atmosphere of calm and clarity to enhance our work together. If you live in the USA and would like to discuss options for a location near to you, this can be arranged subject to availability.


If you're serious about wanting to see massive shifts & real transformation whether in life, business or leadership, book your FREE consultation call now and get ready for a day to remember.

I have a limited number of spaces available for these sessions so let's have a chat

and schedule a date.




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